LED Aircraft Lights for powered aircraft

The LED technology in Aircraft Lights combines a high light output with a low power consumption, compact design and maintenance-free operation. The high-quality encapsulation technology enables high weather resistance and long service life.

The product range includes Electronic Position Lights (EPL) and EPL-Taillight, Anti Collision Lights (ACL) partly compatible with Flarm interface, the EPTA-LSA, the Electronic Landing Lights (ELLxx) and the Electronic Rotating Beacon (ERB)

THIESEN ACL-Module Out of stock
417,00 € *
Currently out of stock
THIESEN ACL-UAV-12V - Electronic Anti-Collision Light... Out of stock
439,00 € *
Currently out of stock
THIESEN ACL-UAV-LiPo - Electronic Anti-Collision Light... Out of stock
428,00 € *
Currently out of stock
THIESEN ACL4 - Electronic anti-collision light Out of stock
459,00 € *
Currently out of stock
THIESEN ELL60 - Electronic Landing Light Out of stock
537,00 € *
Currently out of stock
THIESEN ELL80is - Electronic Landing Light Out of stock
507,00 € *
Currently out of stock
THIESEN EPL - Electronic position light for ultralight... Out of stock
298,00 € *
Currently out of stock
THIESEN EPTA-NG - Electr. position light, tail light and...
THIESEN EPTA-NG - Electr. position light, tail light and...
Out of stock
529,00 € *
Currently out of stock
THIESEN ERB-UL - Electronic Rotating Beacon Out of stock
516,00 € *
Currently out of stock
THIESEN ERB2 - Electronic Rotating Beacon In stock
554,00 € *
Available now!
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